SGI Policy
Quality Management, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety
C&G Servicios Industriales is an organization specializing in the provision of services and support for operations, mainly focused on the Industrial and Mining areas, which focuses its efforts on meeting the needs and expectations of customers through innovation and the use of state-of-the-art technology, always considering quality, safety, people and care for the environment as fundamental pillars of our activities.
To formalize what is indicated, it has implemented and maintains a Quality, Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Management system, which is governed by the following commitments:
- Comply with current legislation and other responsibilities that the organization may voluntarily subscribe to in matters of Quality, Environment, Safety and Occupational Health.
- Manage, control and effectively execute processes and activities, in order to continuously improve the quality of service provision.
- Work constantly to have a relationship of trust, respect, collaboration and transparency with customers and stakeholders.
- Encourage the continuous improvement of collaborators, with the purpose of motivating, supporting and educating in matters of Environment, Quality, Safety and Occupational Health.
- Prevent, reduce and mitigate environmental impacts, through the proper use of energy resources, water, electricity, fuels and recycling.
- Reduce and eliminate occupational risks, carrying out all our activities and behaviors in a planned and safe manner, seeking the protection of people and the organization.
To achieve these purposes, the workers of C&G Servicios Industriales make their own and accept their responsibility with this Quality Management, Environment, Health and Occupational Safety at Work Policy, keeping it in mind in their daily behavior and decisions.
Av.Balmaceda 1750, of.1210. Edificio Torre Cobre.
+56 55 255 4017
Onix 210
+56 55 221 5827
Av. Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva 5200, Renca
+56 22 209 0641
Manuel Montt 0570
+ 56 72 295 7282
Los Pensamientos 428,
San Pedro de La Paz
+ 56 41 292 1750